Department of MCA Engineering is organizing MCA CET MOCK TEST to help MCA aspirants to bring flying colours in MAH MCA CET 2021 Exam. It is free of cost. Please fill below form to enroll this.
MCA Engg. Department of Gokhale Education Society’s R. H. Sapat College of Engineering Organises “MCA Course Awareness online Session” On 22nd July 2021 at 4 p.m. Mode -Google Meet.
One Day Online Faculty Development Program for syllabus orientation on “Animation and Gaming” in association with Board of Studies MCA (Under faculty of Science and Technology), SPPU, Pune was organized at MCA Engineering department on 13th January 2021.
One Day Online Faculty Development Program for syllabus orientation on “Object Oriented Programming and OOP Laboratory” in association with Board of Studies MCA (Under faculty of Science and Technology), SPPU, Pune was organized at MCA Engineering department on 23rd July 2020.
MCA(Engg) Department organized An Induction Program for our newly admitted FYMCA students. Events details are as follows:
Date: 6 th February, 2021
Time: 10.30AM to 4.15 PM
Venue: New Normal(Google meet)
Department of MCA (Engineering) in association with department of Computer Engineering organized the Expert
Talk on “ Tanaji- India’s First 3D warrior Game” on Saturday,20th February 2021.Mr. Vaibhav Mahajan, CEO ,Abraca Dabra Software Solutions, Nashik.
MCA Department organized one day online session on Path Way Series- Alumni Interaction Session-III on topic “Digital Marketing Growth and Career Opportunities” on 6th March 2021.
Department of MCA Engineering in association with BOS of Computer Science and Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, were organized and successfully conducted one day online FDP on “Discrete Mathematics and Statistics” on 24 th July 2020.
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING decided to organize the event which was held in MCA(engg) DEPARTMENT. The chief guests
invited for the event were DR.P.C.Kulkarni Sir, Prof.S.M.Gosavi Sir, Prof. Deshpande
sir, Head of Department Prof. Poonam Chaudhari ma’am and HOD’s of all other
We organized four competitions in
that event such as ART HUB, PHOTOGRAPHY, CODING AND GAMES. All students of MCA(engg)
Department were present for the event from 10:30 am morning to 4:00 pm. The
event coordinator of ART HUB was Prof. TRUPTI AHIRRAO and the event coordinator
of PHOTOGRAPHY was Prof. PRANJALI DESHMUKH. The prize distribution ceremony was
held in which prizes were given by Prof. Mugdha Devdhe (ENTC DEPARTMENT) to the
winners of ART HUB and Photography Competition.
The Blind Coding competition was also
organized, and Coordinator of competition was Prof. NEHA BHATAMBAREKAR. Prizes were given to the winners of the
competition. The last competition was Games which included PUBG and NFS and was
coordinated by Prof. RUCHA SAMANT and prize distribution for this competition
was also held. There were total 84 entries for including all competition in
that event.
The whole event was organized by Prof. GAYATRI RAUT and Prof. SAKHARAM
KOLPE. All the participants were given participation certificates.
Inauguration by Hon. Prof. P. M. Deshpande
Felicitation of hon. Principal Dr. P. C. Kulkarni Sir by HOD. P. A. Choudhari MamMCA Team